코웨이 제품 리스트
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Slim Air Purifier

$27.99$699.00 + tax

The final price below is based on the existing service area, and rental fees may change by $2 to $3 in newly expanded service areas.

SKU AP-1018F Category: Tag:


  • A slim and basic air purifier
  • A powerful filter system that removes 99.9% of fine particles as small as 0.02 μm
  • Automatic operation mode that adjusts the fan speed based on indoor air pollution levels. It detects the pollution and adjusts accordingly
  • Product Dimensions (W x H x D): 14.8 x 7.2 x 25.2 inches
  • 전용면적 2 air changes/hr.** 551 ft²
코웨이 슬림 공기청정기
4단계 필터시스템
스마트 공기청정기
공기청정기 디자인
Air purifier indicator
슬림 공기청정기 사양



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2 reviews for 슬림 에어 공기청정기

  1. CowayUSAsales

    Ok Ran * 님 (Manhattan Beach-CA) 주문해 주셔서 감사합니다.

  2. CowayUSAsales

    Myunghee * 님 (Groveland-CA) 주문해 주셔서 감사합니다.

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