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Coway Water Purifier Filter(RO Membrane) System

Many COWAY filters are certified by the WATER QUALITY ASSOCIATION (WQA) to a variety of standards, including NSF/ANSI standards 42, 53, and 58, which cover aesthetics,health benefits, and reverse osmosis systems, respectively. COWAY offers standalone purchase and lease options for some models, with varying contract terms. Water purifier prices range from about $40 for a used countertop model to $799 for a high-end under-sink system.(HTTPS://WWW.PERPLEXITY.AI/))

Coway water qualification certificate - Gold sealed Mark & NSF
RO Membrane Filter of Coway
깨끗하고 맛있는 물의 시작, 코웨이 집중 RO 1.0 필터 시스템

Coway Sevice Area

The U.S. states where Coway rental and sales services are available include:
Cities in California where Coway rental and sales are available include:
Cities in New York where Coway rental and sales are available include:
Cities in New Jersey where Coway rental and sales are available include:
Cities in Texas where Coway rental and sales are available include:
Cities in Georgia where Coway rental and sales are available include:
Cities in Illinoisa where Coway rental and sales are available include:
Cities in Virginia where Coway rental and sales are available include:
Cities in Washington where Coway rental and sales are available include:
Cities in Florida where Coway rental and sales are available include:
Cities in Oregon where Coway rental and sales are available include:
Cities in Nevada where Coway rental and sales are available include:
Cities in North Carolina where Coway rental and sales are available include:
Here are some other major cities in the U.S. where Coway rental and sales services are typically available:
필터교체와 청소관리를 매 4~6개월 마다 제공하는 코웨이 하트 서비스