코웨이 제품 리스트
We Are Awesome Folow Us
24년 10월 코웨이 프로모션
10월 코웨이 이용자 신규렌탈 프로모션
10월 신규 처음 가입자를 위한 렌탈료 할인 프로모션
October promotion for coway user
New coway water purifiers rental customer $1/month for 6 months and air purifiers and bidets $1/month for 3 months


The specified product

P-6320L, CP-6330L, CHP-6330L, CHP-251L, CHP-671L, CHP-5710L, CHP-5722L

The specified conditions :

6 years contract / New rental customer / Auto pay - $1/month for 6 months

The specified product

AP-1516D, AP-2318D, AP-2021A, AP-3018B, BA-13, BAS-22

The specified conditions :

6 years contract / New rental customer / Auto pay - $1+tax/month for 3 months

Rental Massage Chair : $119.99+tax/mo

The specified product

P-6320L, CP-6330L, CHP-6330L, CHP-251L, CHP-671L, CHP-5710L, CHP-5722L, AP-1516D, AP-2318D, AP-2021A, AP-3018B, BA-13, BAS-22

The specified conditions :

Registered customer only / New 6 years rental autopay customer - Rental fee free for 6 months

The specified product

AP-1516D, AP-2318D, AP-2021A, AP-3018B

The specified conditions :

Registered customer only / New 6 years rental autopay customer - Rental fee free for 3 months

Coway Sevice Area

  • The U.S. states where Coway rental and sales services are available include:
    Available in California, New York, New Jersey, Nevada, Georgia, Oregon, Illinois, Washington, Texas, Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia.
  • The cities in California where Coway rental and sales services are available include major metropolitan areas like:
    로스 앤젤레스 (Los Angeles) / 오랜지 카운티 (Orange County) / 토랜스 (Torrance) / 리버사이드 (Riverside) / 얼바인 (Irvine) / 샌버나디노 (San Bernardino) / 산호세 (San Jose) / 샌디에고 (San Diego). Available in most areas of California.
  • Here are some other major cities in the U.S. where Coway rental and sales services are typically available:
    뉴욕 (New York) / 뉴저지 (New Jersey) / 라스베가스 (Las Vegas) / 필라델피아 (Philadelphia) / 시애틀 (Seattle) / 워싱턴 DC (Washington) / 시카고 (Chicago) / 달라스 (Dallas) / 오스틴 (Austin) / 리치몬드 (Richmond) / 탐파 (Tampa) / 아틀란타 (Atlanta) 등
필터교체와 청소관리를 매 4~6개월 마다 제공하는 코웨이 하트 서비스