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5월 코웨이 프로모션
코웨이 5월 풍성한 프로모션
Coway May Promotion

Self maintenance launching promotion Renting a self-care product Shower head giveaway

Compensation program Visa gift card when renting products in this category $100 (Needed receipt)

ANY 2 promtion : Visa gift card in case of rental, re-rental, lump sum contract for 2 or more units Up to $500 Depending on the product, differential payment and lump sum payment are not allowed

Premium water purifier / Air purifier For 3 or 6 year rental : 6 years - 3 Months, 3 years- 1 Month Rental fee waiver / Re-rental 6 years - 2 Months waiver

Ice water purifier rental special discount 3 years or 6 years : Rental fee $3/mo discount

Massage chair rental : Registration fee $900 discount